G K. Chesterton was an Englishman known for his sharp wit as a journalist, social critic, novelist and a philosopher/theologian. Once, a series of articles appeared in an English newspaper on “What is Wrong with the...
So the LORD God appointed a plant and it grew up over Jonah to be a shade over his head.
Christian Life / Church Decline / Church in Crisis / Holiness / Salvation / Sanctification / Spiritual Disciplines
by Randy Davis · Published June 22, 2019
A sense of Place / C. S.Lewis / Eugene Peterson / Grace / Holy Desire / Spiritual Disciplines / Thinking About God
by Randy Davis · Published October 30, 2018
I imagine that Abraham thought of home, not to go back there, but because it was the only measure he had in his experience from which he could imagine the future. That’s the way we are. We only have our past and it is in terms of the best of those times that we think about the future. How else can we think of heaven except in terms of the past?
Christian Life / Christian Spirituality / Holiness / Holy Desire / Preaching / Theology For Living
June 13, 2022
America in Crisis / Christian Life / Church / Evangelism / Holiness / Revival / Sanctification / Theology For Living
March 23, 2020
Christian Life / Eternal Life / Holy Desire / The Second Coming / Theology For Living
October 23, 2019
A sense of Place / Christian Life / Church / Holiness / Sanctification / Theology For Living / Worship
August 21, 2019
June 22, 2019
A Stubborn Sense of Place: Hebrews 11: 8-16
October 30, 2018
October 2, 2018
September 11, 2018