In the river bottoms where I’m from, you will find ancient trees, twisted and gnarled by the years of weather. On some of those trees you will find carving nearly as old as the trees. Men took the time to cut through the bark and deep into the tree to leave their mark. A name or a date or both scribed with care. Today, no one knows some of those who worked so hard to be remembered. But the tree still bears witness that someone was there.

Does God remember us? After all we are here for a little while and then gone. In Isaiah, 49 God tells his people that he will never forget them. He has inscribed, carved their name in the palm of his hand. There will come a day when people will remember us no more. But God will never forget. He always knows us by name.

Randy Davis

I am a retired pastor trained in systematic theology. I have a broad interest in biblical studies, history and culture.

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