Have you noticed the magic words? “Judge not least you be judged.” Those words are used to justify all kinds of sin. It is as if they are the only words in the Bible. And of course, they are taken out of context.

It is the belief that my sin is easily forgiven by God and no one has the right to judge me. But the Bible tells us to judge others on several occasions. This attitude is called cheap grace.
We forget that God is the great judge, he judges nations and empires and people, even little individual sinners like us. Recently I noticed on a business sign in our community the words, “God does not Judge.”  Who are they fooling?  Scripture makes it clear that God judges all humankind for their sin.  None of us are exempt.

It is time to man up about sin. Stop pretending that God does not judge and stop pretending that it does not matter and stop pretending that it is no ones business. If you are going to live is some kind of sin, admit and just tell God to lump it. And be willing to live with the consequences of your actions. But stop pretending that it does not matter to God. Stop pretending that you can have real forgiveness without real repentance. It does not work that way.

Randy Davis

I am a retired pastor trained in systematic theology. I have a broad interest in biblical studies, history and culture.

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