Author: Randy Davis


It may very well be that the atonement is the forgotten doctrine of our age. We forget it at our peril. It is a corrective to so much of the syncretistic, new age Christianity that circulates today which never acknowledges our sin problem and God unfathomable grace that saves us. Jesus, the sinless one, did not come to die with us, but for us. He accomplishment on the cross will stand for eternity. And those who come to him by faith are irrevocably, and eternally justified by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, God in the flesh. We stand before God, redeemed because of this act of sacrifice on the cross. The atonement gives us true freedom and it gives us hope


Our past doesn’t own us. Our failures, our sins, our troubles, our aspirations and goals, our hopes and our dreams have no claim on us. Only Christ can claim us. If we stumble and fall, we can get up and go on, even press on because God Himself has set us free.
We no longer belong to this world. Paul says our citizenship is in heaven.